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Excuse Me! or The Courteous Theatregoers' Problem




Consider a theatre consisting of $m$ rows each containing $n$ seats.Theatregoers enter the theatre along aisles and pick a row which they enteralong one of its two entrances so as to occupy a seat. Assume they select theirseats uniformly and independently at random among the empty ones. A row ofseats is narrow and an occupant who is already occupying a seat is blockingpassage to new incoming theatregoers. As a consequence, occupying a specificseat depends on the courtesy of theatregoers and their willingness to get up soas to create free space that will allow passage to others. Thus, courtesyfacilitates and may well increase the overall seat occupancy of the theatre. Wesay a theatregoer is courteous if (s)he will get up to let others pass.Otherwise, the theatregoer is selfish. A set of theatregoers is $p$-courteousif each theatregoer in the set is courteous with probability $p$, randomly andindependently. It is assumed that the behaviour of a theatregoer does notchange during the occupancy of the row. In this paper, we are interested in the following question: what is theexpected number of occupied seats as a function of the total number of seats ina theatre, $n$, and the probability that a theatregoer is courteous, $p$? Westudy and analyze interesting variants of this problem reflecting behaviour ofthe theatregoers as entirely selfish, and $p$-courteous for a row of seats withone or two entrances and as a consequence for a theatre with $m$ rows of seatswith multiple aisles. We also consider the case where seats in a row are chosenaccording to the geometric distribution and the Zipf distibrution (as opposedto the uniform distribution) and provide bounds on the occupancy of a row (andthus the theatre) in each case.
机译:考虑一个剧院,剧院由排成一排的$ m $行组成,每行包含$ n $个座位。去剧院的人沿着过道进入剧院,然后沿行进的两个入口之一进入剧院,以占据一个座位。假设他们在空座位中随机地均匀且独立地选择座位。一排座位很窄,已经坐在一个座位上的乘员正阻碍新来的剧院的通行。因此,占据特定席位取决于看戏的人的礼貌以及他们起床的意愿以创造自由的空间以允许他人通行。因此,礼貌促进并且可能很好地增加剧院的整体座位占用。我们说如果一个剧院演奏者愿意站起来让别人通过,那是礼貌的,否则剧院演奏者是自私的。如果一组话剧者随机且独立地礼貌地以$ p $的概率礼貌待客,则该剧组为$ p $ -courteous。假定剧院行者的行为在该行占用期间没有改变。在本文中,我们对以下问题感兴趣:作为剧院总席位$ n $的函数,预期的席位数目是多少,剧院出场的人有礼貌的概率$ p $是多少?韦斯特迪(Westudy)并分析了这个问题的有趣变体,反映出看戏的人的行为完全是自私的,对于一排座位有一个或两个入口的座位,他们是有礼貌的。我们还考虑了根据几何分布和Zipf分布(与均匀分布相反)选择一排座位的情况,并在每种情况下为一排的占用率(以及剧院)提供界限。



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